The average house price on KILN CLOSE is £554,270
The most expensive house in the street is 2A KILN CLOSE with an estimated value of £793,745
The cheapest house in the street is 1 KILN CLOSE with an estimated value of £404,302
The house which was most recently sold was 5 KILN CLOSE, this sold on 16 Dec 2020 for £580,000
The postcode for KILN CLOSE is SN7 8FJ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 KILN CLOSE Semi-Detached £404,302 £325,000 19 Sep 2018
2A KILN CLOSE Detached £793,745 £642,500 11 Oct 2019
2 KILN CLOSE Detached £590,580 £470,000 31 May 2018
3 KILN CLOSE Semi-Detached £405,739 £325,000 27 Jul 2018
4 KILN CLOSE Detached £588,981 £470,000 6 Jun 2018
5 KILN CLOSE Detached £670,601 £580,000 16 Dec 2020
7 KILN CLOSE £425,944 £330,000 8 Jun 2017